Just A Thought

Everything seems to be aimed at the younger group so here we have something for that middle group of grumpy old men and sterling women.

Friday 13 May 2016


The one thing the Aged Rocker guarantees it’s that if you pay him a visit you’ll get a cup of proper coffee. Fresh ground and made fresh, the heady aroma of Columbian, Sumatran, Latin or Italian ground wafting around the AR’s lair. Another thing the AR guarantees is that you won’t find any of that puerile instant muck lurking in a cupboard, coffee extract and decaf the Devil’s spawn! I ask you, what’s the point of drinking coffee that doesn’t have a kick like a stunned donkey? None whatsoever!


But not even the old AR can conjure up a hot pot of Java in the middle of nowhere or can he? With Minipresso GR in his back sack, a super smooth blast of espresso can be created absolutely anywhere and with minimal effort. So here’s how it works and unlike numerous other gadgets the Minipresso doesn’t need plugging in, recharging or exposing to sunlight. The only things you need in addition to the small handheld device are some ground coffee and boiling water which you can carry in a small flask or from the traveling kettle you’ve plugged into your car’s 12v outlet.


Remove the cup, unscrew what’s called the outlet head and remove the filter basket. Fill the basket with ground coffee using the scoop provided and gently tamp it down. Place the basket in the filter head and screw them both back onto the main body of the Minipresso. Then remove the water tank located at the other end, fill to the line with boiling water and push back into place.

All you then need to do is release piston on the side, place the cup beneath the spout and pump. The first six piston pumps prime it all the following six or seven forcing the water through the coffee and out into the waiting cup. End result, a perfect single espresso! Yes, you will have to clean the Minipresso but that takes less than a minute with clean water and a paper towel.


Much to the AR’s surprise this real coffee drinker’s gizmo actually works. It’s easy, simple, pleasant to use, looks good, is nicely made, exceeds expectations and unlike similar gadgets, doesn’t leak. So many thanks to Wacaco, their Minipresso machine and the coffee Gods their collective forces meaning real coffee drinkers and the AR in particular can have a cup of Joe whenever and wherever they feel the need.


So do like the Aged Rocker and get in touch with Bear & Bear at www.bearandbear.com and part with £48 of your hard earned pounds.    



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